by Michael Spangler
With appeals to nature, Scripture, history, and experience, Michael Spangler pens his work on Christian Race Realism, arguing that not only is race real but it is to our own hurt if we ignore it. Includes several answers to critics as appendices.
by Franco Burgersdijk
17th c. Dutch Reformed scholar and philosopher parses through economics (household life) and politics with clarity, brevity, and precision. Preface by Stephen Wolfe.
by Thomas Cartwright
Plain, pious, and practical—with this work Cartwright sets forth the full jewels of a Puritan systematic theology in a catechetical format, with Scripture citations for his answers.
by Henry Bullinger
Titanic Swiss Reformer, Henry Bullinger, pastorally and comprehensively argues for the antiquity and exclusivity of Christ and the Christian Faith—starting from Genesis and working forward through to the Apostles.
by Franciscus Junius
This work of classical theology explores the nature of Adam's first sin and its relation to matters like God's foreknowledge and decree, necessity, and free will. Junius structures his exploration around four questions.
by Franciscus Junius
In this comprehensive polemical treatise, Junius, masterfully responds to the many falsities of Rationalius, who dubs himself a rational catholic. Composing most of the book—he systematically cites 119 arguments of Rationalius and confutes them all.
by John G. Sheppard
In this book, Sheppard deploys soaring rhetoric, piercing logic, human feeling, along with the twin tools of Scripture and history to prove that national citizenship is both a privilege and requirement of every true Christian.
by Samuel Doak
With clarity and brevity, Samuel Doak lays out a basic philosophy of human nature. Topics such as beauty, esteem, mind, man as a social creature, reason, memory, the will, and passions, are all touched on.
by Nathaniel Stephens
In this brief but instructive book, Puritan Nathaniel Stephens proves and vindicates the precept for infant baptism from the New Testament in response to objections of anti-paedobaptists.
by Richard Mather, John Cotton, William Ames, et al
This book sets forth early New England Congregational church polity & discipline, including the Heads of Agreement & a chapter excerpt from William Ames.
by Francesco Patrizi
A classical and comprehensive political theory treatise from Francesco Patrizi, Roman Catholic bishop and philosopher. Patrizi marshals myriad lessons from history as keystones in the construction of a virtuous and orderly republic.
by Cajus Fabricius
In this primary source work, Protestant theologian, Cajus Fabricius, labors to show that National Socialism & Positive Christianity are complementary. Includes The 28 Theses of the German Christians & misc. documents of Cajus Fabricius.
by Ernst Troeltsch
20th century German social historian explores the historical-developmental relationship between Protestantism & modernity, suggesting there is a difference between early and modern Protestantism.
by Paul Facey
What is a Christian bound to believe, beyond the fundamentals of the Faith? Is he required to affirm extrabiblical historiography? What should we think of those who foist such demands upon us? Are they adding to the gospel? Paul Facey asks and answers in this work.